Getting Started with OhmDB

It's very easy to start using OhmDB - just add it to your project as Maven dependency:


1. Creating the database

Let's "make" a simple social network application. The first thing we need is a database, so let's create one.

Db db = Ohm.db("socialnet.db");

2. Creating a table

Now let's create your first table - table of users.

Table<User> users = db.table(User.class);

3. Insert records

Next thing you need to do is to insert some users into the table using insert method.

User user0 = new User("ann.bernard", "Ann Bernard", 22, "Paris");
long id0 = users.insert(user0);

User user1 = new User("jd357", "John Dean", 30, "New York");
long id1 = users.insert(user1);

User user2 = new User("abastien", "Adele Bastien", 28, "Paris");
long id2 = users.insert(user2);

long id3 = users.insert(new User("mary_NY", "Mary Williams", 32, "New York"));
long id4 = users.insert(new User("tcapelo", "Toni Capelo", 25, "Milano"));
long id5 = users.insert(new User("natasa_b", "Natasa Bodrova", 22, "Moscow"));
long id6 = users.insert(new User("bella.santorini", "Bella Santorini", 24, "Milano"));
long id7 = users.insert(new User("bob_wood", "Bob Wood", 30, "New York"));

4. Print the table

Now you have a table filled with some users. You can print all the records from a table into the standard output using the print method. This method is useful during development and debugging.

*** Table User ***
User [id=0, username=ann.bernard, age=22, city=Paris]
User [id=1, username=jd357, age=30, city=New York]
User [id=2, username=abastien, age=28, city=Paris]
User [id=3, username=mary_NY, age=32, city=New York]
User [id=4, username=tcapelo, age=25, city=Milano]
User [id=5, username=natasa_b, age=22, city=Moscow]
User [id=6, username=bella.santorini, age=24, city=Milano]
User [id=7, username=bob_wood, age=30, city=New York]

5. Table size

The number of records in a table is retrieved using the size method.

debug("Users table size", users.size());
Users table size: 8

6. Get record by ID

Fetching a record by its ID is done with the get method.

User u1 = users.get(id1);

debug("User with id=" + id1 + " is " + u1);
User with id=1 is User [id=1, username=jd357, age=30, city=New York]

7. Get records by IDs

Fetching records by their IDs is done with the getAll method.

User[] userlist = users.getAll(id1, id2, id3);

debug("Users by ids: ", userlist);
Users by ids: : [User [id=1, username=jd357, age=30, city=New York], User [id=2, username=abastien, age=28, city=Paris], User [id=3, username=mary_NY, age=32, city=New York]]

8. Change column value

The set method can be used to change the value of a column for a specific record.

debug("User before set", users.get(id2));

users.set(id2, "username", "dean.john");

debug("User after set", users.get(id2));
User before set: User [id=2, username=abastien, age=28, city=Paris]
User after set: User [id=2, username=dean.john, age=28, city=Paris]

9. Update record

The update method can be used to update a record in a table. All the columns values will be updated with the new values from the specified bean. The target record ID is retrieved from the "id" field/property of the specified bean.

User usr1 = users.get(id1);

debug("Before update", usr1);

usr1.username = "adele73";

debug("After update", users.get(id1));
Before update: User [id=1, username=jd357, age=30, city=New York]
After update: User [id=1, username=adele73, age=30, city=New York]

10. Update record by specifying ID

The update method can also be used to update a record in a table, by specifying its ID. All the columns values will be updated with the new values from the specified bean.

debug("Before update", users.get(id2));

User jack = new User("", "Jack Green", 30, "New York");
users.update(id2, jack);

debug("After update", users.get(id2));
Before update: User [id=2, username=dean.john, age=28, city=Paris]
After update: User [id=2,, age=30, city=New York]

11. Update record from a map

A record can be also updated by specifying its new column values in a map.

Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>();

map.put("username", "xman_jd");
map.put("age", 18);

debug("Before update", users.get(id2));

users.update(id2, map);

debug("After update", users.get(id2));
Before update: User [id=2,, age=30, city=New York]
After update: User [id=2, username=xman_jd, age=18, city=New York]

12. Delete record

You can delete a record by its ID using the delete method:

debug("Users before delete", users.size());


debug("Users after delete", users.size());
Users before delete: 8
Users after delete: 7

13. Get all records' IDs

The ids method retrieves the IDs of all records in the table.

long[] allUserIds = users.ids();

debug("All IDs of users", allUserIds);
All IDs of users: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7]

14. Searching and indexing

Let's make a simple search, for example to find all users that have "tcapelo" as their username.

This can be done in a couple of ways. Let's examine the simplest way first. An index on column "username" is created using method createIndexOnNamed. Afterwards, the search is conducted using the where method, where you can state by what column the search to be made on.

This method gives a criteria as result, which could be "equals" represented with eq method, "greater that" represented with gt method, "greater than or equal" represented with gte method, "less than" represented with lt method, "less than or equal" represented with lte and "not equal" represented with neq method.

In this case, eq method will do the trick. Nevertheless, specifying the column name as string is error-prone, so you have to be careful not to make a naive spelling mistake, or take a look at the type-safe approach described next.

users.where("username", String.class).eq("tcapelo").print();
User [id=4, username=tcapelo, age=25, city=Milano]

15. Type-safe searching and indexing

The type-safe way to make a search is by using queryHelper method. It creates a special kind of query helper object, in this case - User, which can be used afterwards in the search.

Using the query helper, an index is created with the createIndexOn method. Finally the search is conducted using the where method with the column expressed in a type-safe way with the query helper.

This way of searching/indexing is much safer because there is no place for misspelling, or making an error on the type of the column. It also helps a lot when refactoring (e.g. renaming a column).

User u = users.queryHelper();


User [id=4, username=tcapelo, age=25, city=Milano]

16. Query helpers unmystified

To explain how the query helpers work, let's do some "magic". The query helpers contain encoding information in their field/property values, which is used to retrieve the column name.

debug(u.username + " => " + users.nameOf(u.username));
debug(u.age + " => " + users.nameOf(u.age));
0 => username
1 => age

17. Custom searching and indexing

Sometimes a more custom search is needed. For example, what if case-insensitive search is required? The method createIndexOn also can be used with a second argument of type Transformer, which serves to transform both the indexed values and the searched values.

In this case, the lower-case value of column username is used for the index. When a search is conducted, the lower-case version of the searched value is matched in the index.

Additionally, the method createIndexOnNamed can be used with transformer as a second argument too.

users.createIndexOn(u.username, new Transformer<String>() {
	public String transform(String value) {
		return value != null ? value.toLowerCase() : null;

18. Searching by multiple criteria

A conjunction and disjunction of search criteria is constructed using the and and or methods.


users.where(u.fullName).eq("Bella Santorini").and("age", int.class).gte(20).print();


users.where(u.fullName).eq("Toni Capelo").or("age", int.class).lt(30).print();

users.where(u.fullName).eq("Toni Capelo").or(u.age).neq(30).print();
User [id=3, username=mary_NY, age=32, city=New York]

User [id=0, username=ann.bernard, age=22, city=Paris]
User [id=2, username=xman_jd, age=18, city=New York]
User [id=4, username=tcapelo, age=25, city=Milano]
User [id=5, username=natasa_b, age=22, city=Moscow]

User [id=0, username=ann.bernard, age=22, city=Paris]
User [id=2, username=xman_jd, age=18, city=New York]
User [id=3, username=mary_NY, age=32, city=New York]
User [id=4, username=tcapelo, age=25, city=Milano]
User [id=5, username=natasa_b, age=22, city=Moscow]

19. Paging

When there are a lot of records as a result of a search, it is useful to be able to see just a part of the results. The top, bottom and range methods can be used to get the search results in a specified range.

debug("Top 5");

debug("Bottom 3");

debug("2nd to 5th result of the search:");
users.where("New York").range(2, 5).print();
Top 5
User [id=1, username=adele73, age=30, city=New York]
User [id=3, username=mary_NY, age=32, city=New York]
User [id=4, username=tcapelo, age=25, city=Milano]
User [id=7, username=bob_wood, age=30, city=New York]

Bottom 3
User [id=2, username=xman_jd, age=18, city=New York]
User [id=4, username=tcapelo, age=25, city=Milano]
User [id=5, username=natasa_b, age=22, city=Moscow]

2nd to 5th result of the search:
User [id=5, username=natasa_b, age=22, city=Moscow]

20. Get optional result

You can use the getIfExists method in a search to get a record if it exists. If the record does not exist, null is returned.

User usr = users.where(u.fullName).eq("Toni Capelo").getIfExists();

if (usr != null) {
	debug("There exists a user named Toni Capelo and here it is", usr);
} else {
	debug("There is no user named Toni Capelo and the result of the search is", usr);
There exists a user named Toni Capelo and here it is: User [id=4, username=tcapelo, age=25, city=Milano]

21. Get exactly one result

You can use getOnly method in a search to get the only one expected result that satisfies the criteria, or throw exception otherwise.

try {
	usr = users.where("Milano").getOnly();

	debug("The only one user living in Milano", usr);
} catch (Exception e) {
	debug("There is none or more than one user living in Milano!");
The only one user living in Milano: User [id=4, username=tcapelo, age=25, city=Milano]

22. Parameterized queries

Parameterized queries can be constructed and later bound with values:

Parameter<Integer> age = db.param("age", Integer.class);

Search<User> search = users.where(u.age).eq(age);

debug("Younger than 28");

debug("Younger than 23");
Younger than 28

Younger than 23

23. Custom calculated index

Often more complex indexing is needed. What if it you have to search on a combination of a columns of the records? You can create a custom index calling the index method with a Mapper object which calculates the custom index value from the column values of a given record, and the columns that are used in the calculation of the index value.

CustomIndex<User, String> name_age = users.index(new Mapper<User, String>() {
	public String map(User u) {
		return u.username + "_" + u.age;
}, u.username, u.age);



24. Multi-value indexing: full-text search

Full-text searching on a column requires indexing on each word found in the value. This is called `multi-value` indexing, because more then one value will be indexed per column per record.

The multiIndex method is called with a Mapper object (which calculates the custom index values from the column values of a given record) and the columns that are used in the calculation of the index values.

CustomIndex<User, String> words = users.multiIndex(new Mapper<User, String[]>() {
	public String[] map(User u) {
		return u.fullName.split(" ");
}, u.fullName);


25. More tables

Now, let's proceed with the development of database for the social network application. This is a very simple social network where users have their own walls on which they or their friends can write and like posts and comments. In the following code tables posts, walls and comments are created.

Table<Post> posts = db.table(Post.class);
Table<Wall> walls = db.table(Wall.class);
Table<Comment> comments = db.table(Comment.class);

26. OneToOne relations

Each user can have only one wall. This oneToOne relation is modeled using method oneToOne from our database instance db. This relation is named "owns". Analogous to that, each wall is "owned" by only one user, which is appropriately modeled into the following code by using inversed method.

OneToOne<User, Wall> owns = db.oneToOne(users, "owns", walls);
OneToOne<Wall, User> ownedBy = owns.inversed();

27. OneToMany relations

An user can make posts and write comments. There can be many posts on a wall. One user can make many posts and comments.These "oneToMany" relations are modeled by oneToMany method.

OneToMany<Wall, Post> has = db.oneToMany(walls, "has", posts);
OneToMany<Post, Comment> hasComment = db.oneToMany(posts, "hasC", comments);
OneToMany<User, Post> makes = db.oneToMany(users, "makes", posts);

28. Inverse relations

There can be many posts on one wall, many comments on one post, many posts and comments from one user. These "manyToOne" relations are modeled by inversed method on previously described "oneToMany" relations.

ManyToOne<Post, Wall> placedOn = has.inversed();
ManyToOne<Comment, Post> belongsTo = hasComment.inversed();
ManyToOne<Post, User> madeBy = makes.inversed();

29. ManyToOne relations

Analogically on previously described relations, the relation "manyToOne" can be modeled by manyToOne method.

ManyToOne<Comment, User> writtenBy = db.manyToOne(comments, "writtenBy", users);
OneToMany<User, Comment> writes = writtenBy.inversed();

30. ManyToMany relations

Many users can make likes on many comments and posts.These "manyToMany" relations are modeled by manyToMany method.

ManyToMany<User, Comment> likesComment = db.manyToMany(users, "likesC", comments);
ManyToMany<User, Post> likes = db.manyToMany(users, "likes", posts);

ManyToMany<Comment, User> commentLikedBy = likesComment.inversed();
ManyToMany<Post, User> likedBy = likes.inversed();

31. Symmetric relations

Each user can have many friends. That is modeled by "friend" relation between users, and because this is a symmetric relationship between entities from the same type, manyToManySymmetric method is used.

ManyToMany<User, User> friend = db.manyToManySymmetric(users, "friend", users);

32. Creating relation records: use of the link method 1

Here a new wall record is created and inserted into walls table. Afterward a link is created between user1 and the wall by their ids.

Wall wall1 = new Wall();

33. Creating relation records: use of the link method 2

Here the same thing is done, but on another way. The link created here is made by entities.

Wall wall2 = new Wall();
walls.insert(wall2);, wall2);

34. First query: use of join method

Here a simple query is created: Find all users who own walls. To accomplish that, it is necessary to join two tables, users and walls by "own" relation. That is done by the join method. You can notice that here also any method is used on both tables. It's purpose is to get all user ids and all walls ids.The result from the following query is a JoinResult object, which you can see as an object containing array of links representing joins. In this case, because the join is made only on two tables, users and wall, the array has only one links object.

JoinResult usersWalls = db.join(users.all(), owns, walls.all()).all();
debug("Query: users with walls => " + usersWalls);
Query: users with walls => [
  {1 : [8] , 2 : [9] }

35. First query: use of links method

We can access the links obtained in the join result from the previous example using the links method. Here we have Links array of size one. Every element of such an array is an object containing joins represented as mappings between ids of joined tables records. In this case, because the join is made only on two tables, users and wall, the array has only one object. In this example the variable links of type Links is used to keep the value of the first links object.

Links links = usersWalls.links()[0];
debug("The user -> wall links are", links);
The user -> wall links are: {1 : [8] , 2 : [9] }

36. First query: use of from and to methods

Because at this time our social network has only two users with walls, links object is consisted of two joins. Because the relation owns is oneToOne relation, every join is represented as first entity id as key (user id in this case) which is mapped to an array of second entity ids (in this case the array is of size one). In this code section it is shown how the first join results can be accessed by using from and to method.

User exmpl_user = users.get(links.from(1));
Wall exmpl_wall = walls.get([0]);

debug("First join ", exmpl_user + " to " + exmpl_wall);
First join : User [id=2, username=xman_jd, age=18, city=New York] to Wall [id=9]

37. Left join

This is an example of how to make left join using leftJoin method. Here the result contains all user records.

JoinResult userWallsL = db.leftJoin(users.all(), owns, walls.all()).all();
debug("Left join on users and walls result ", userWallsL);
Left join on users and walls result : [
  {0 : [] , 1 : [8] , 2 : [9] , 3 : [] , 4 : [] , 5 : [] , 7 : [] }

38. Right join

This is an example of how to make right join using rightJoin method. Here the result contains all wall records.

JoinResult userWallsR = db.rightJoin(users.all(), owns, walls.all()).all();
debug("Right join on users and walls result", userWallsR);
Right join on users and walls result: [
  {-1 : [] , 1 : [8] , 2 : [9] }

39. The use of exists method

This is an example of how to check if there exist any users who are friends with any other users. That can be done by using exists method.

boolean userFriends = db.join(users.all(), friend, users.all()).exists();
debug("Right join on users and walls result", userFriends);
Right join on users and walls result: false

40. More data

In order to proceed with our social network simulation, posts, comments and walls tables must be populated with some records. Also some relations need to be created with those records of the relations.

Post post1 = new Post("Yeee ... It started snowing ...");
long pid1 = posts.insert(post1);

Post post2 = new Post("Two be or not two be, that is the question :)");
long pid2 = posts.insert(post2);
Post post3 = new Post("Bazinga!!!");
long pid3 = posts.insert(post3);

Comment c1 = new Comment("Winter is coming to town :)");
long cid1 = comments.insert(c1);

Comment c2 = new Comment("Nice :)");
long cid2 = comments.insert(c2);, id2);, id7);, id0);, id1);, id0);, id2);, id3);, id0);, id4);, id2);, cid1);, cid2);, post1);, post1);, pid3);, pid1);, pid1);, cid1);, id2);

41. Printing of relations

The relations also can be printed using print method

debug("Relation: likes =>");
Relation: likes =>
=== RELATION TABLE => likes => TABLE (5:3) ===
0 -> [10, 12]
1 -> [11]
2 -> [10]
4 -> [10, 12]
7 -> [10]

42. Relations: delink method

Let's say that user 4 no longer likes post 3, so he dislikes it. This is done by the delink method. It's purpose is to delete an existing relation between two entities.

debug("Relations \"likes\" before the dislike =>");
likes.delink(id4, pid3);
debug("Relations \"likes\" after the dislike =>");
Relations "likes" before the dislike =>
=== RELATION TABLE => likes => TABLE (5:3) ===
0 -> [10, 12]
1 -> [11]
2 -> [10]
4 -> [10, 12]
7 -> [10]

Relations "likes" after the dislike =>
=== RELATION TABLE => likes => TABLE (5:3) ===
0 -> [10, 12]
1 -> [11]
2 -> [10]
4 -> [10]
7 -> [10]

43. Example 1

Query 1. Friends of user X who liked post Y .

Ids<User> usrX = users.withIds(12);
Ids<User> friends_1 = users.all();
Ids<Post> posts_1 = posts.withIds(posts.ids()[0]);

JoinResult jr1 = db.join(usrX, friend, friends_1).join(friends_1, likes, posts_1).all();


44. Example 2

Query 2. Friends of user A who liked posts posted by user B.

Ids<User> usrA = users.withIds(id0);
Ids<User> usrB = users.withIds(id2);
Ids<Post> posts_2 = posts.all();
Ids<User> friends_2 = users.all();

JoinResult jr2 = db.join(usrA, friend, friends_2).join(friends_2, likes, posts_2).join(posts_2, madeBy, usrB)

  {0 : [2, 4, 7] },
  {2 : [10] , 4 : [10] , 7 : [10] },
  {10 : [2] }

45. Example 3

Query 3. Friends of user C who liked post D and are older than 25.

User usrs = users.queryHelper();

Ids<User> usrC = users.withIds(12);
Search<User> older = users.where(usrs.age).gt(25);
JoinResult jr3 = db.join(usrC, friend, older).join(older, likes, posts.all()).all();


46. Example 4

Query 4. All of user M friends who have written comment on post N.

Ids<User> usrM = users.withIds(12);
Ids<User> friends_4 = users.all();
Ids<Post> postN = posts.withIds(posts.ids()[0]);
Ids<Comment> userComm = comments.all();

JoinResult jr4 = db.join(usrM, friend, friends_4).join(friends_4, writes, userComm)
		.join(userComm, belongsTo, postN).all();

47. Example 5

Query 5. All mutual friends of users Z and T who have liked comment on post Q.

Ids<User> usrZ = users.withIds(id2);
Ids<User> usrT = users.withIds(id4);
Ids<User> friends_5 = users.all();
Ids<Post> postQ = posts.withIds(posts.ids()[0]);
Ids<Comment> usrComm = comments.all();

JoinResult jr5 = db.join(usrZ, friend, friends_5).join(friends_5, friend, usrT)
		.join(friends_5, likesComment, userComm).join(userComm, belongsTo, postN).all();
  {2 : [0] },
  {0 : [4] },
  {0 : [13] },
  {13 : [10] }

48. Triggers

You can make your own trigger by implementing the Trigger interface on your trigger class. You have to implement the process method. The triggers can be placed after or before some action is executed. The action could be insertion, deletion or updating of a table. The following code shows the use of after, before, deleted, inserted ,updated methods. The action of the trigger is assigned with run method.

db.after(User.class).deleted().run(new ExampleTrigger<User>());
db.after(User.class).inserted().run(new ExampleTrigger<User>());
db.after(User.class).updated().run(new ExampleTrigger<User>());

db.before(User.class).deleted().run(new ExampleTrigger<User>());
db.before(User.class).inserted().run(new ExampleTrigger<User>());
db.before(User.class).updated().run(new ExampleTrigger<User>());

49. Transaction

A transaction is started using startTransaction method. Then you write all the actions that you want to be executed in an atomic manner. Here the transaction consists of deleting users together with their walls. When one user is deleted, its wall has to be deleted too. If this actions are executed out of transaction, this scenario can happen: the user gets deleted, but something went wrong when the deletion of the wall should have taken place (for example the power went down after the user was deleted). That is why these actions should be put in a transaction. You end your transaction using the commit method.

Transaction tx = db.startTransaction();

50. Transaction rollback

You can make a rollback of a transaction using rollback method. You desire to delete user 5 together with his wall. But user 5 has no wall. So the deletion of the unexisting wall will throw an exception, giving you the chance to make a rollback on the transaction and return to the previous state in the catch part.

Transaction tx2 = db.startTransaction();

try {
} catch (Exception e) {

51. Deleting the content of a table

You can delete the content of a table using clear method.


52. Shutdown the database

The database can be stopped gracefully with the shutdown method.

Shutting down database...
Database stopped.